Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 8 #18 Social networking

Like blogs, social networking sites are not my thing, but I did use the exercise as excuse to get my son to show me how he uses Facebook. He must take after me a bit since he doesn't share a lot either. It's kind of cool how the kids can keep in touch with it.

I tried several others and the only one that mildly caught my interest was LinkedIn for job search aspects and no, I'm not looking! Where else could I get so many neat training opportunities? I might recommend LinkedIn to jobseekers.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Week 7 #17 Technology

October 23rd is a date I'll remember a while. One of three (or was it five) days of no access to our catalog or our databases. We found some very creative ways to find books. It's so appropriate for this topic.

Technology offers so many possibilities, opens doors to so many who had no idea what was at the tips of their fingers ... just a keyboard stroke away. Travel information, bill paying, checking on your house appraisal, finding a last minute recipe, downloading a book to your computer or MP3, researching your family history or a college paper can be done so easily now... BUT

The very nature of the way information is delivered today is so ephemeral. With a power surge thousands of articles, books, and more are lost. I've had a hard drive crash and lost many digital photos. Think backup plan.

I would hate to get to the point that everything was digital/ electronic/ etc. Would a civilization thousands of years away be able to understand those bits and bytes?

Week 7 #16 wikis

I liked the possibilities of the book review wikis, although it would be easy to get slanted reviews or uneven coverage on topics simply based on who has the time to do the input. I know we already use a wiki for printing flyers, bookmarks etc and it seems to work well.

I already use wikipedia although I don't rely on it as a source of information... just a starting point.

I can see using wikis to get customer input on collection development and services.

Week 6 #15 Library 2.0

I see the very training we are doing and many of the changes in our library as embracing the 2.0 philosophy. I love the fact that customers can check their accounts from home, check out ebooks and download videos and books without ever leaving the comfort of home. I only wish we could offer all our databases for remote access.

As new technologies offer new possibilities it is both a challenge and an exciting opportunity for libraries. What an age!

I found the article on Icebergs very interesting and I agree that the days of the "just in case" collection are gone. So much information is online or in online databases anyway. At my branch we've reduced the reference collection and moved it to the back of the library, leaving the "prime real estate" in the center of the building (formerly reference) for a "popular collection" which is heavily browsed. This is just one way we can be responsive.

Whether we respond with new technologies or just new ways to provide better service, it's all 2.0

week 6 #14 technorati

I tried learning 2.0 search all three ways and really don't like any of them. I see the differences but I think the main thing is that I just don't enjoy blogging and don't trust a lot of opinions. On the internet we all become experts... scary. Blogs are just not my first choice for authoritative information. And speaking of "authority" I was really puzzled by the authority listed for each blog and spent some time researching that and the rankings. Sounds like more of a popularity contest than actual authority.

But I stuck with it till I found something I liked. Indiana Jones blogs. Well, I guess there is a blog out there for everyone... if you have the time.

Week 6 #13
I created my own account and have added about 10 websites. I will be adding all the bookmarks I currently store under my profile. This will make accessing them much easier. I really enjoy being able to use my bookmarks anywhere and to use the social networking aspect to keep up with sites I might have missed. My biggest problem is keeping up with all my logins and passwords for the various sites and applications Im learning about!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

week 9 #20 youtube

looking for napking folding ideas for thanksgiving, but found this off the wall one instead. I found plenty of others on what I really wanted but this is the one you get to see

Friday, November 9, 2007