Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Week 7 #17 Technology

October 23rd is a date I'll remember a while. One of three (or was it five) days of no access to our catalog or our databases. We found some very creative ways to find books. It's so appropriate for this topic.

Technology offers so many possibilities, opens doors to so many who had no idea what was at the tips of their fingers ... just a keyboard stroke away. Travel information, bill paying, checking on your house appraisal, finding a last minute recipe, downloading a book to your computer or MP3, researching your family history or a college paper can be done so easily now... BUT

The very nature of the way information is delivered today is so ephemeral. With a power surge thousands of articles, books, and more are lost. I've had a hard drive crash and lost many digital photos. Think backup plan.

I would hate to get to the point that everything was digital/ electronic/ etc. Would a civilization thousands of years away be able to understand those bits and bytes?

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